Jun 17Liked by Eloise Rickman

This is not a book, this is an act of bravery, Eloise. Thank you for raising awareness about such an important subject. Good luck with the launch!

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Aaaand now I'm crying. Thank you xx

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Jun 17Liked by Eloise Rickman

I could not love this post more. Packed full of gems. Recycle this a lot! Keep reminding us! AND HAPPY LAUNCH WEEK.

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Thanks for being the best hype woman ever! xx

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Aww. Honestly, you have made my day today with the Metro piece but that post was *chefs kiss, I’ve saved it for later as even I will refer to that when I do my next book!

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Jun 20Liked by Eloise Rickman

Your book arrived last week! 🎉 (I've been touting it around Facebook!)

Just read the Metro interview, and it got me thinking that political campaigns that are tuned towards children would be instructive for all of us actually. I don't mind admitting (unlike some of the very uptight commenters on your article, apparently! 😆) that I sometimes find it hard to parse what politicians are actually saying underneath all the waffle. It might be eye-opening for everyone to see what policies actually look like with some of that word-salad stripped away!

Anyway, bloomin' well done Eloise. As yourself and others have mentioned, the strength of reaction to this shows how badly its needed! X

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I agree - more accessibility would be great for everyone! I’m so thrilled you have a copy, I really hope you enjoy it xxx

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Jun 18Liked by Eloise Rickman

I can't think of a more important time for this book to come out - as we watch children being slaughtered, orphaned, maimed and traumatised in Gaza day after day, while here in the UK, children are being punished in schools for speaking out, just questioning or even simply wearing a symbol to show their solidarity with those children and families. Our children are seeing these same images and videos on their phones but are being silenced and gaslit.

Similarly, the children's protests over climate change are dismissed out of hand. We're told that they don't - can't - understand these things. And as for the Cass report and the narrative around trans issues and children - it's so far beyond offensive, I'd hardly know where to start!

As an autistic and ADHD mother of neurodivergent kids, I've been told by a GP that I should just "make" them do what they're told because I'm the adult. That never worked for my family and my children have taught me so much about consent, autonomy and the actual realities of children and childhood.

A counsellor once told me that the 3 most important things children need are the 3Cs: connection, control and communication, i.e. they need to feel a bond with those that care for them, they need a certain level of autonomy and control over their own bodies and their lives, and they need to be able to communicate their needs to their caregivers. I fear that children are rarely allowed all (if any, for some) of these in our society.

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I couldn’t agree more with this! 🩷

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Jun 18Liked by Eloise Rickman

I just read this in the introduction:

"But the education system doesn't always achieve what it sets out to do"

and wanted to add that, unfortunately, it all too often does achieve what it sets out to do - but I'll have to get to chapter 8 to see if and how you address that 😊

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Ooh yes - you'll have to let me know what you think (and keep in mind I wanted to reach as broad an audience as possible ;) ) x

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Jun 18Liked by Eloise Rickman

Congratulations on your book!

My 10 year old would love the opportunity to vote, I am sure. Not sure if my other three would care much. But I am going to bring the topic up at dinner tonight and am interested to hear their views!

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I’d love to know too! 🩷

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